Name Sort by name
Code Sort by code
Type Sort by type
3D for Film and Animation |
VIFX3001 |
Module |
3D Modelling & Shaders |
GAMR2511 |
Module |
3D Modelling and Animation |
VIFX1003 |
Module |
3D Pipeline Fundamentals |
GAMR2512 |
Module |
Abstract Algebra |
MATH2200 |
Module |
Abstract Algebra I |
IMAT2221 |
Module |
Abstract Algebra II |
IMAT2222 |
Module |
Adv CAE and finite element analysis |
ENGT5151 |
Module |
Adv Practical Investigative Journalism |
INJP5301 |
Module |
Adv. Mechatronics Tools and Principles |
ENGE2011 |
Module |
Advanced 3D Workflow and Design |
GAMR3532 |
Module |
Advanced Aircraft |
ENGP5304 |
Module |
Advanced CAE & FEA |
ENGD5151 |
Module |
Advanced Data Analytics |
IMAT2712 |
Module |
Advanced Database Management and Program |
IMAT3706 |
Module |
Advanced Databases Management |
IMAT3010 |
Module |
Advanced Digital Design |
ENGD3001 |
Module |
Advanced Embedded System |
ENGD3051 |
Module |
Advanced Flight Dynamics |
ENGT5271 |
Module |
Advanced Game Engine Application |
GAMR3510 |
Module |
Advanced Materials |
ENGP5202 |
Module |
Advanced Mechanical Engineering |
ENGP5301 |
Module |
Advanced Motorsport Engineering |
H33071 |
Programme |
Advanced Power Electronics and Applicati |
ENGD3108 |
Module |
Advanced Power Systems and Green Technology |
ENGD3040 |
Module |
Advanced Shader Programming |
GAMR3521 |
Module |
Advanced Social Media Production |
TECH3022 |
Module |
Advanced Solid Mechanics |
ENGD5258 |
Module |
Advanced Statistics for Business |
IMAT3702 |
Module |
Advanced Studio Production |
MTEC3002 |
Module |
Advanced Television Production |
TECH3008 |
Module |
Advanced Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer |
ENGD5141 |
Module |
Advanced Web Development |
CTEC3705 |
Module |
Aeronautical Engineering |
H41041 |
Programme |
Aeronautical Engineering |
H41042 |
Programme |
Agent-Based Modelling and Parallel Compu |
IMAT3721 |
Module |
Agile Development Team Project |
CTEC2713 |
Module |
Agile Thinking in Project Management |
IMAP2016 |
Module |
AI for Mobile Robots |
CSIP5202 |
Module |
Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul |
ENGT5272 |
Module |
Aircraft Propulsion |
ENGA3002 |
Module |
Aircraft Structures and Flight Dynamics |
ENGA2004 |
Module |
Alternative Operating System Forensics |
CTEC5408 |
Module |
Analytics Programming |
IMAT5168 |
Module |
Animation |
W60042 |
Programme |
Animation (VFX) |
W61442 |
Programme |
Animation Principles |
ANIM1102 |
Module |
Animation Production |
ANIM3303 |
Module |
Application Architecture |
IMAT3701 |
Module |
Applied & Collaborative Projects |
MTEC3003 |
Module |
Applied Artificial Intelligence |
IMAT2722 |
Module |
Applied Artificial Intelligence |
CTAP5118 |
Module |
Applied Ideation |
GDIL1020 |
Module |
Applied Ideation |
GRDN1020 |
Module |
Applied Mechanics & Progressive Game |
GAMR2531 |
Module |
Apprenticeship Project |
CTAP5119 |
Module |
Artefacts in Digital Forensics |
DFOR5002 |
Module |
Artificial Intelligence |
IMAT3707 |
Module |
Artificial Intelligence for Cyber Securi |
CSEC3004 |
Module |
Artificial Intelligence with Robotics |
G70041 |
Programme |
Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Lear |
CTAP5116 |
Module |
Arts and Entertainment Journalism |
JOUR3506 |
Module |
Audiences and Fandom |
FILM3409 |
Module |
Audio and Quality Assurance for Games |
GAMR3522 |
Module |
Audio And Recording Technology |
J93041 |
Programme |
Audio and Recording Technology |
J93044 |
Programme |
Audio Mastering and Application |
MATA3026 |
Module |
Audio Recording & Production: Film & TV |
MATA3016 |
Module |
Beyond News |
JOUR2603 |
Module |
Big Data Analytics |
CTAP5114 |
Module |
Big Data and Business Models |
IMAT3614 |
Module |
Big Data and Machine Learning |
CTEC3702 |
Module |
Big Data Applications |
CSIP5203 |
Module |
Big Data Infrastructure |
CTAP5113 |
Module |
Bioengineering |
ENGD3115 |
Module |
British Cinema |
FILM3113 |
Module |
Broadcast Journalism |
P50043 |
Programme |
Building |
IESD501 |
Programme |
Building Services Engineering (Top-up) |
H2K241 |
Programme |
Built Environment Advanced Modelling |
ENGP5401 |
Module |
Business Analysis and Modelling |
CSIP5101 |
Module |
Business Informatics (HP) |
G50051 |
Programme |
Business Information Systems |
G50043 |
Programme |
Business Infrastructure and Security |
CSEC1004 |
Module |
Business Intelligence |
IMAT2723 |
Module |
Business Intelligence |
IMAT3008 |
Module |
Business Intelligence Systems & Data Mining |
G50077 |
Programme |
Business Intelligence Systems Applications & Development |
IMAT5264 |
Module |
Business Intelligence Systems' concepts and methods |
IMAT5166 |
Module |
Business Structure and Operations |
CTAP2300 |
Module |
Business Systems Solutions |
IMAT3705 |
Module |
C++ Fundamentals |
GAMR1540 |
Module |
CFD and Advanced Flight Dynamics |
ENGP5402 |
Module |
Character Animation and Motion Capture |
VIFX2002 |
Module |
Character Building |
COCO2004 |
Module |
Cloud and Edge Computing |
CTAP2307 |
Module |
Cloud Based System Design and Software Quality Assurance |
SOFT5001 |
Module |
Commercial Content Production |
PROD1004 |
Module |
Communication Arts |
P31044 |
Programme |
Communication Networks 1 |
ENGD3103 |
Module |
Communication Networks 2 |
ENGD3104 |
Module |
Communication, Cultural and Media Studies |
ART505 |
Programme |
Communications Engineering |
H64071 |
Programme |
Communications Systems, Security and Computing |
G40015 |
Programme |
Composite Materials |
ENGD5152 |
Module |
Compositing and Matte Painting |
VIFX2003 |
Module |
Compositing for Film and Broadcast |
VIFX3002 |
Module |
Computational Aerodynamics - 1 |
ENGA3004 |
Module |
Computational Intelligence and Computer |
IMAT2720 |
Module |
Computer Ethics |
CTEC1308 |
Module |
Computer Games Programming |
G62071 |
Programme |
Computer Games Programming |
G62041 |
Programme |
Computer Law & Cyber Security |
CTEC1303 |
Module |
Computer Networks |
CTEC1310 |
Module |
Computer Networks (CN) |
CNAS1004 |
Module |
Computer Programming |
CTEC1703 |
Module |
Computer Programming |
CTAP1301 |
Module |
Computer Programming 1 |
CTEC1301 |
Module |
Computer Programming 2 |
CTEC1302 |
Module |
Computer Programming Week 1 & 2 |
CTEC1311 |
Module |
Computer Science |
COM502 |
Programme |
Computer Science |
G40051 |
Programme |
Computer Security |
G40054 |
Programme |
Computer Security |
G40057 |
Programme |
Computer Security |
G49074 |
Programme |
Computer Security |
G40064 |
Programme |
Computer Systems |
CTEC1309 |
Module |
Computing |
G40058 |
Programme |
Computing |
G40055 |
Programme |
Computing |
G40073 |
Programme |
Computing |
G40056 |
Programme |
Computing for Business |
G50050 |
Programme |
Computing Induction Unit |
IMAT5100 |
Module |
Computing Project |
IMAT3451 |
Module |
Concept Art |
COCO1003 |
Module |
Concurrent and Parallel Computing |
CTAP3307 |
Module |
Control |
ENGD3113 |
Module |
Craft Skills Consolidation |
DESC3007 |
Module |
Creative & Professional Work: Presentation & Promotion |
MTEC2001 |
Module |
Creative Competition Projects |
GRDN3302 |
Module |
Creative Content Programming |
PROD3002 |
Module |
Creative Enterprise |
PROD2004 |
Module |
Creative Image Production |
PROD3001 |
Module |
Creative Image Production |
TECH3025 |
Module |
Creative Portfolio |
MUST5004 |
Module |
Creative Resolution |
GRDN1040 |
Module |
Creative Resolution |
GDIL1040 |
Module |
Creative Sound Technology |
J93012 |
Programme |
Creative Technologies |
J99071 |
Programme |
Creative Writing And Journalism |
W8P531 |
Programme |
Critical Listening and Audio Analysis |
MATA3006 |
Module |
Critical Systems |
CTEC5722 |
Module |
Critical Systems and Modern Programming Techniques |
SOFT5003 |
Module |
Cult Film |
FILM3401 |
Module |
Current Issues for Practitioners |
CTEC5405 |
Module |
Cyber Engineering |
CTEC5805 |
Module |
Cyber Events Management |
CTAP3320 |
Module |
Cyber Physical Systems Security |
CSEC3002 |
Module |
Cyber Security |
I10078 |
Programme |
Cyber Security and Social Responsibility |
CSEC3003 |
Module |
Cyber Security Technical Professional |
I10066 |
Programme |
Cyber Technology |
I10079 |
Programme |
Cyber Threat Intelligence and Network Security |
CSEC5002 |
Module |
CyberSec Applications Short Course |
CISC1001 |
Module |
Data Analytics |
I20071 |
Programme |
Data Analytics and Statistics |
IMAT1703 |
Module |
Data Analytics and Statistics 1 |
IMAT1412 |
Module |
Data Analytics and Statistics 2 |
IMAT1414 |
Module |
Data Analytics for Sustain Energy System |
ENGP5205 |
Module |
Data Analytics Induction Unit |
CSIP5001 |
Module |
Data Analytics Infrastructure |
CSIP5102 |
Module |
Data Analytics Short Course |
CISC1003 |
Module |
Data Mining |
IMAT3708 |
Module |
Data Mining |
CTEC3302 |
Module |
Data Mining Techniques and Applications |
CSIP5302 |
Module |
Data Mining Techniques and Applications |
CTAP5115 |
Module |
Data Mining, Techniques and Applications |
IMAT5238 |
Module |
Data Modelling Short Course |
CISC1004 |
Module |
Data Science Theory & Principles |
CTAP5111 |
Module |
Data Structures and Algorithms |
CTEC2711 |
Module |
Data Visualisation |
IMAP3020 |
Module |
Database Design |
IMAT1415 |
Module |
Database Design & Implementation |
CTEC1307 |
Module |
Database Design and Implementation |
CTEC1701 |
Module |
Database Management and Programming |
IMAT3104 |
Module |
Des Comm for Graphic Design and Ill |
GDIL2030 |
Module |
Des Pro Prog for Graphic Design & Ill |
GDIL2020 |
Module |
Design Communication for Graphic Design |
GRDN2030 |
Module |
Design for 3D Printing |
ENGD3120 |
Module |
Design Process for Graphic Design |
GRDN2010 |
Module |
Design Process for Graphic Design & Ill |
GDIL2010 |
Module |
Design Process Progression for GD |
GRDN2020 |
Module |
Design Thinking |
COCO1002 |
Module |
Developing and Selling Ideas |
INFP5101 |
Module |
Development Project |
CTEC3451 |
Module |
Devices, Networks and Emerging Technolog |
CTAP1304 |
Module |
DevSecOps |
IMAP3012 |
Module |
Digital and Technology Solutions |
I10065 |
Programme |
Digital Art Practice 2 |
GAME2005 |
Module |
Digital Commerce |
CSIP5303 |
Module |
Digital Cultures |
MEDS2301 |
Module |
Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime Invest |
CSEC3005 |
Module |
Digital Forensics Principles & Practice |
CTEC5896 |
Module |
Digital Forensics Principles and Practice |
CTEC5806 |
Module |
Digital Forensics with Legal, Ethical and Research Methods |
CSEC5004 |
Module |
Digital Music Technology |
J93045 |
Programme |
Digital News Production |
JOUR1604 |
Module |
Digital Technology Economics |
CTAP3011 |
Module |
Digital Transformation |
IMAT3709 |
Module |
Digital Transformation |
CSIP5301 |
Module |
Dissertation |
INFP5502 |
Module |
Dissertation |
COCO3002 |
Module |
Dissertation |
MEDS3301 |
Module |
Documentary |
FILM3408 |
Module |
DSP and Control |
ENGP5302 |
Module |
DTSP Synoptic Project (EPA) |
CTAP3301 |
Module |
Dynamics, Instrumentation and Control |
ENGE2002 |
Module |
Earth Sciences |
COM503 |
Programme |
Education Studies and Media |
P3X131 |
Programme |
Elec. magnetic compat & Embedd Sys. |
ENGP5403 |
Module |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
H61044 |
Programme |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
H61046 |
Programme |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
ENG501 |
Programme |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
H61045 |
Programme |
Electrical Transmission and Distribution I |
ENGD3045 |
Module |
Electrical Transmission and Distribution II |
ENGD3046 |
Module |
Electromagnetics and Communications |
ENGE2021 |
Module |
Electronic and mechanical principles |
ENGZ0012 |
Module |
Electronic Circuits and Devices |
ENGE1013 |
Module |
Electronic Circuits and Systems |
ENGE1014 |
Module |
Electronic Engineering |
H61000 |
Programme |
Electronic Engineering |
H60071 |
Programme |
Electronic Engineering |
H61043 |
Programme |
Embedded App. Design & Interfacing |
ENGE2014 |
Module |
Embedded Design for Internet of Things |
ENGD2104 |
Module |
Embedded Systems & System Integration |
ENGP5409 |
Module |
Embedded Systems and IoT |
CTEC3706 |
Module |
Embedded Systems Fundamentals |
ENGD2103 |
Module |
Emerging Materials and Processes |
ENGD3114 |
Module |
Emerging Technologies in Computer Networ |
CNAS3003 |
Module |
Emerging Topics in Security |
CTEC3753 |
Module |
End-Point Assessment |
CTAP5120 |
Module |
Endpoint Security |
CSEC1002 |
Module |
Energy Analysis Techniques |
ENGT5218 |
Module |
Energy and Industrial Sustainability |
H22172 |
Programme |
Energy and Sustainability Management |
F75050 |
Programme |
Energy And Sustainable Building Design |
H2K171 |
Programme |
Energy and Sustainable Development |
F85071 |
Programme |
Energy and Sustainable Development |
ENG503 |
Programme |
Energy Conversion & Storage Systems |
ENGD3121 |
Module |
Energy Economics and Policy |
ENGD3041 |
Module |
Energy Engineering |
H10051 |
Programme |
Energy Engineering |
J91042 |
Programme |
Eng Business Environ & Research Methods |
ENGP5101 |
Module |
Engineering |
H10049 |
Programme |
Engineering and academic skills |
ENGZ0011 |
Module |
Engineering and industrial Mathematics |
ENG500 |
Programme |
Engineering Business Environment |
ENGT5219 |
Module |
Engineering Data Analysis |
ENGZ0014 |
Module |
Engineering design |
ENGZ0013 |
Module |
Engineering Management |
H1N171 |
Programme |
Engineering Project Management |
ENGE2003 |
Module |
Engineering Tools and Principles 1 |
ENGE1001 |
Module |
Engineering Tools and Principles 2 |
ENGE1002 |
Module |
Engineering Year Zero |
H10011 |
Programme |
English And Journalism |
P5Q331 |
Programme |
English Language and Journalism |
Q3P531 |
Programme |
Enterprise Architecture |
CSIP5201 |
Module |
Enterprise Network |
CTAP3317 |
Module |
Enterprise Networking |
CNAS2002 |
Module |
Enterprise Security and Privacy |
CTAP3012 |
Module |
Enterprise-focused Digital Forensics |
DFOR5003 |
Module |
Environmental Impact Assessment |
IESD500 |
Programme |
Erasmus Exchange (Computing) |
Z50041 |
Programme |
Erasmus Exchange (Engineering) |
Z70041 |
Programme |
Erasmus Exchange (Leicester Media School) |
Z70043 |
Programme |
Erasmus Exchange (Postgraduate Technology) |
Z50071 |
Programme |
Exploration and Ideation |
GDIL1010 |
Module |
Exploration and Ideation |
GRDN1010 |
Module |
Exploring Screen Archives |
FILM3405 |
Module |
Fan and Material Cultures |
FILM3112 |
Module |
Feature Writing & Lifestyle Journalism |
JOUR2600 |
Module |
Film & Photography Capture |
PROD1001 |
Module |
Film and Photography Techniques |
PROD2001 |
Module |
Film Festivals |
FILM3101 |
Module |
Film Festivals 2 |
FILM3102 |
Module |
Film Production Technology |
P31314 |
Programme |
Film Reviewing |
FILM1104 |
Module |
Film Studies |
P30341 |
Programme |
Film Studies |
SSC504 |
Programme |
Film Studies and History |
V1W631 |
Programme |
Film Studies And Journalism |
P3P531 |
Programme |
Film Studies and Media |
P3W632 |
Programme |
Film Studies Dissertation |
FILM3114 |
Module |
Film Studies with French |
P3R145 |
Programme |
Film Studies with Japanese |
P3T245 |
Programme |
Film Studies with Mandarin Chinese |
P3T145 |
Programme |
Film Studies with Spanish |
P3R445 |
Programme |
Film-making with Raindance |
P31375 |
Programme |
Filmmakers |
FILM3403 |
Module |
Filmmaking 2: Moving Image Portfolio |
FILM2102 |
Module |
Final Project |
MTEC3001 |
Module |
Final Project |
CSEC3100 |
Module |
Final Year Project |
CTEC3360 |
Module |
Finite Element Method |
ENGD3111 |
Module |
Flight Simulation Technology |
ENGA3001 |
Module |
Forensic Computing |
G49073 |
Programme |
Forensic Computing |
F4G441 |
Programme |
Forensic Computing for Practitioners |
F4G491 |
Programme |
Forensic IT |
CTEC2423 |
Module |
Forensic Road Collision Investigation |
F41041 |
Programme |
Forensic Road Collision Investigation |
F41011 |
Programme |
Forensic Road Collision Investigation 2 |
F41043 |
Programme |
Foundation Media |
P31045 |
Programme |
Foundation of Computing and Cyber Securi |
CSEC1001 |
Module |
Foundation Year in Computing |
G40012 |
Programme |
Foundations of Computing |
IMAT1701 |
Module |
Foundations of Cyber Security and Engineering |
CSEC5001 |
Module |
Foundations of Digital Forensics |
DFOR5001 |
Module |
Foundations of Film Studies |
FILM1102 |
Module |
Foundations of Python Programming |
IMAT1411 |
Module |
Freelance and Digital Journalism |
JOUR3601 |
Module |
Freelance Journalism |
JOUR3505 |
Module |
Front-End Web Development |
CTEC3905 |
Module |
Functional Programming |
CTEC3704 |
Module |
Functional Software Development |
CTEC3904 |
Module |
Functional Software Development |
CTEC3314 |
Module |
Fundamental Concepts of Computer Science |
CTEC1702 |
Module |
Fundamentals of Aerodynamics |
ENGA2002 |
Module |
Fundamentals of Aeronautical Design 1 |
ENGA1003 |
Module |
Fundamentals of Aeronautical Design 2 |
ENGA1004 |
Module |
Fundamentals of IT Management |
IMAT2714 |
Module |
Fundamentals of Movement |
ANIM2202 |
Module |
Fundamentals of Power Electronics |
ENGD3107 |
Module |
Future Media |
MEDS3403 |
Module |
Fuzzy Logic & Evolutionary Computing |
CSIP5304 |
Module |
Fuzzy Logic and Inference Systems |
IMAT3722 |
Module |
Game Art |
W60044 |
Programme |
Game Art Essentials 1 |
GAME1103 |
Module |
Game Art Essentials 2 |
GAME1104 |
Module |
Game Art Fundamentals 1 |
GAME1101 |
Module |
Game Art Fundamentals 2 |
GAME1102 |
Module |
Game Design and Development |
GAMR1510 |
Module |
Game Development Project |
GAMR3540 |
Module |
Game Development Team Project |
GAMR2542 |
Module |
Game Engine Architecture |
IMAT3904 |
Module |
Game Engine Development |
IMAT3905 |
Module |
Game Production 2 |
GAME2003 |
Module |
Game Production 3 - Professional Brief |
GAME3001 |
Module |
Game Production 4 - Major Project |
GAME3004 |
Module |
Games Technology |
J90043 |
Programme |
Games Technology |
J90042 |
Programme |
Gender and Television Fictions |
MEDS3512 |
Module |
Gender and TV Fictions |
MEDS3307 |
Module |
Global Advertising Practices |
MEDS3513 |
Module |
Global Comms and Strategic Advert. Mang |
MEDS3302 |
Module |
Global Media |
P30077 |
Programme |
Global Subcultures and Music |
MEDS2304 |
Module |
Gobal Perspectives and Industry |
INJP5401 |
Module |
Graduate Diploma in Computing |
G40059 |
Programme |
Graduate Diploma in Engineering |
H10050 |
Programme |
Graduate Diploma in Media |
P31043 |
Programme |
Graphic Design |
W21044 |
Programme |
Graphic Design |
W21043 |
Programme |
Graphic Design & eMedia |
W21211 |
Programme |
Graphic Design (Illustration) |
W21045 |
Programme |
Graphic Design (Interactive) |
W21046 |
Programme |
Graphic Design and Illustration |
W20043 |
Programme |
Green Business |
ENGD5219 |
Module |
Group Project |
ENGD5000 |
Module |
Group Project Pre Production |
GAME2103 |
Module |
Group Project Production |
GAME2104 |
Module |
History And Journalism |
P5V131 |
Programme |
Hollywood Now! |
FILM3406 |
Module |
Host and Network Security |
CTEC5803 |
Module |
Human Computer Interaction |
IMAT3712 |
Module |
Human Factors in Flight Safety |
ENGA3003 |
Module |
Human Factors, Research and Skills |
CSIP5401 |
Module |
IMAT3710 |
Module |
Ideas in Music & Technology |
MTEC1002 |
Module |
Immersive and Experiential Media |
PROD2003 |
Module |
Incident Response and Cyber Threat Intel |
CSEC2002 |
Module |
Independent Practice |
GRDN3010 |
Module |
Independent Project 1 |
FILM3103 |
Module |
Independent Project 2 |
FILM3104 |
Module |
Individual Project |
ENGP5501 |
Module |
Individual Project |
ENGD3000 |
Module |
Industrial Cryptography |
CSEC2004 |
Module |
Industrial Internet of Things |
ENGD3117 |
Module |
Industry Practice |
MTEC1005 |
Module |
Info Security Management and Governance |
IMAT3009 |
Module |
Information And Communication Technology |
G50048 |
Programme |
Information and Data Management |
IMAP1404 |
Module |
Information and Database Development |
IMAT2716 |
Module |
Information Systems |
COM504 |
Programme |
Information Systems Analysis |
IMAT1413 |
Module |
Information Systems Analysis and Design |
IMAT1702 |
Module |
Information Systems Management |
G50075 |
Programme |
Information Systems Management |
G50049 |
Programme |
Information Technology |
G40072 |
Programme |
InfoSec Mgt and Governance Short Course |
CISC1002 |
Module |
Instrumentation and Sensor Networks |
ENGT5105 |
Module |
Int Filmmaking Research and Practice |
INFP5201 |
Module |
Integrated Project |
IMAT2718 |
Module |
Intelligent Robotics |
IMAT2721 |
Module |
Intelligent Systems |
G50076 |
Programme |
Intelligent Systems |
G50052 |
Programme |
Intelligent Systems and Robotics |
G70071 |
Programme |
Interaction Design |
CTEC3906 |
Module |
Intermediate Game Art Principles 1 |
GAME2101 |
Module |
Intermediate Game Art Principles 2 |
GAME2102 |
Module |
International Exchange (Computing) |
Z50042 |
Programme |
International Foundation Programme - Computing |
G40014 |
Programme |
International Foundation Programme - Engineering |
H10012 |
Programme |
International Journalism |
P50073 |
Programme |
International Public Relations |
MEDS3514 |
Module |
International Relations And Journalism |
L2P531 |
Programme |
International Relations and Media |
L2P331 |
Programme |
Internet of Things and High Assurance System Design |
SOFT5002 |
Module |
Intro to digital design |
PROD1003 |
Module |
Intro to Nonlinear Dynamical Systems |
ENGD5150 |
Module |
Intro-Practical Invest Jour & Media Law |
INJP5101 |
Module |
Introduction to Information Security |
IMAT2917 |
Module |
Introduction to Information Security |
IMAT2717 |
Module |
Introduction to Studio Recording and Production |
MTEC1001 |
Module |
Introduction to Visual Effects |
VIFX1001 |
Module |
Introductory Sessions |
ANIM1101 |
Module |
Investigative Journalism |
P50074 |
Programme |
IOC500 |
Programme |
Journalism |
P50042 |
Programme |
Journalism |
P50071 |
Programme |
Journalism |
SSC502 |
Programme |
Journalism and Media |
P3P532 |
Programme |
Journalism And Politics |
L2P562 |
Programme |
Journalism Dissertation |
JOUR3000 |
Module |
Journalism Dissertation |
JOUR3607 |
Module |
Journalism for Change |
JOUR3503 |
Module |
Journalism Projects |
JOUR3600 |
Module |
Law, Ethics and Portfolio |
CTEC1412 |
Module |
Leading Change for Sustainability |
ENGT5217 |
Module |
Lean Operations Management |
N21571 |
Programme |
Legal and Ethical Information Management |
IMAP3009 |
Module |
Legal Ethical & Prof Pract & Res Meth. |
CTEC5898 |
Module |
Legal, Ethical and Professional Practice and Research Methods |
CTEC5808 |
Module |
Leicester Media School Independent Study |
P30078 |
Programme |
Linear Algebra |
MATH1300 |
Module |
Live Digital Broadcast |
PROD2002 |
Module |
Live Sound and Location Recording |
MTEC2005 |
Module |
Look Development |
ANIM2201 |
Module |
Low Impact Manufacturing |
ENGT5220 |
Module |
MA International Film Production |
P31371 |
Programme |
Machine Vision, Robotics and AI |
ENGP5203 |
Module |
Machines and Mechanisms |
ENGD3112 |
Module |
Magazine Journalism |
JOUR3500 |
Module |
Major Film Project |
INFP5501 |
Module |
Major Production Project |
VIFX5105 |
Module |
Major Project Part 1 |
ANIM3002 |
Module |
Making & Performing 2: Topics & Projects |
MTEC2004 |
Module |
Making & Performing Music 3: Personal PF |
MTEC3004 |
Module |
Making and Performing Music 1: Tools and Techniques |
MTEC1004 |
Module |
Making Comics |
COCO1004 |
Module |
Malware Analysis, Penetration Testing, and Incident Response |
CSEC5003 |
Module |
Malware and Attacker Techniques |
CSEC3001 |
Module |
Management Concepts in Aviation |
ENGA3006 |
Module |
Management of Information Systems |
IMAT5206 |
Module |
Markup Languages and Scripting |
GAMR1520 |
Module |
Match Moving and MoCap |
TECH3600 |
Module |
Materials Science |
ENG504 |
Programme |
Mathematics |
G10041 |
Programme |
Mathematics Final Year project |
MATH3451 |
Module |
Mathematics for Computing |
CTEC1306 |
Module |
Maths and Computer Systems |
GAMR1530 |
Module |
Mech, Energy and Aero Tools & Principles |
ENGE2001 |
Module |
Mechanical Design and Manufacturing 1 |
ENGE1003 |
Module |
Mechanical Design and Manufacturing 2 |
ENGE1004 |
Module |
Mechanical Engineering |
H30043 |
Programme |
Mechanical Engineering |
H30071 |
Programme |
Mechanical Engineering |
H30060 |
Programme |
Mechanical Engineering |
H30044 |
Programme |
Mechanical Engineering |
ENG502 |
Programme |
Mechanical Materials & Structures |
ENGE2004 |
Module |
Mechatronics |
H73071 |
Programme |
Mechatronics |
H73044 |
Programme |
Mechatronics |
H73041 |
Programme |
Mechatronics |
H73042 |
Programme |
Media and Communication |
P30042 |
Programme |
Media and Communication with French |
P3R141 |
Programme |
Media and Communication with Japanese |
P3T246 |
Programme |
Media and Communication with Mandarin Chinese |
P3T146 |
Programme |
Media and Communication with Spanish |
P3R446 |
Programme |
Media and Politics |
L2P332 |
Programme |
Media and Psychology |
C8P331 |
Programme |
Media Discourse: Global Events |
MEDS3305 |
Module |
Media Industries |
MEDS1302 |
Module |
Media Production |
P31041 |
Programme |
Media Production |
P31071 |
Programme |
Media Technology |
J90041 |
Programme |
Media, Culture, and Society |
MEDS1303 |
Module |
Media: Identities and Representation |
MEDS1301 |
Module |
MEng Group Project |
ENGP5400 |
Module |
Microelectronics & Nanotechnology Engineering |
H61171 |
Programme |
Mobile App Development and Big Data |
CTEC3703 |
Module |
Mobile Application Design and Developmen |
IMAT2022 |
Module |
Mobile Application Development |
CTEC3911 |
Module |
Mobile Communication 1 |
ENGD3105 |
Module |
Mobile Communication 2 |
ENGD3106 |
Module |
Mobile Communication Systems and Infrast |
CTAP3015 |
Module |
Mobile Games and A.I for Simulation |
GAMR2520 |
Module |
Model Based System Integration |
ENGD3052 |
Module |
Modelling Ordinary Differential Equation |
IMAT3227 |
Module |
Modelling Partial Differential Equations |
IMAT3228 |
Module |
Modern Programming Techniques |
CTEC5726 |
Module |
Motorsport Engineering |
H33042 |
Programme |
Motorsport Engineering |
H33041 |
Programme |
Motorsport Engineering |
H33011 |
Programme |
Moving Image |
FILM1101 |
Module |
Multi-Service Networks 1 |
CTEC3605 |
Module |
Multimedia Computing |
G45042 |
Programme |
Multivariable Analysis |
MATH2400 |
Module |
Music |
CST501 |
Programme |
Music Technology |
J93042 |
Programme |
Music Technology |
J93046 |
Programme |
Music Technology |
J93011 |
Programme |
Music, Film and Entertainment Journalism |
JOUR3606 |
Module |
Music, Technology and Innovation |
W30042 |
Programme |
Music, Technology and Performance |
W31041 |
Programme |
Natural Language Processing based on Dee |
CTAP5117 |
Module |
Navigation and Pilot Studies |
ENGA3007 |
Module |
Negotiated Journalism Project |
JOUR3608 |
Module |
Negotiated Practical Project |
FILM3011 |
Module |
Network Development |
CNAS3002 |
Module |
Network Forensics |
CTEC3424 |
Module |
Network Security |
CNAS3001 |
Module |
Networking Quality of Service |
CTAP2317 |
Module |
Neural Systems & NLP |
CSIP5103 |
Module |
New Media 1: Website design and coding |
MEDS1304 |
Module |
New Media 2: Creative Project |
MEDS2305 |
Module |
News Reporting and Media |
JOUR1600 |
Module |
Non-Relational Databases |
IMAP2018 |
Module |
Nonlinear Dynamic Systems |
IMAT3221 |
Module |
Nonlinear Optimisation |
IMAT3226 |
Module |
Numerical Methods |
MATH2300 |
Module |
Object Oriented Development |
CTEC2304 |
Module |
OO Design and Development |
CTEC2710 |
Module |
Operating Systems and Networks |
CTEC1704 |
Module |
Operational Research |
MATH1200 |
Module |
Operational Research |
IMAT2715 |
Module |
Paranormal Media |
MEDS3306 |
Module |
Penetration Testing |
CSEC2003 |
Module |
Penetration Testing and Incident Response |
CTEC5804 |
Module |
Performant Rendering with C++ |
GAMR3531 |
Module |
Physics |
F30041 |
Programme |
Placement Year |
SAND2901 |
Module |
Planning |
COCO3003 |
Module |
Podcasting & Photojournalism |
JOUR3603 |
Module |
Portfolio Project |
PROD3004 |
Module |
Post-Production |
ANIM3304 |
Module |
Post-Production and Editing |
PROD3006 |
Module |
Postgraduate Engineer |
H10071 |
Programme |
Power and Energy Systems |
ENGD3110 |
Module |
Power Generation and Transmission |
ENGP5405 |
Module |
Practical Systems Thinking |
IMAT3704 |
Module |
Pre-Production |
INFP5301 |
Module |
Principles of Audio Recording and Production |
TECH2053 |
Module |
Principles of Network Development |
CTAP2310 |
Module |
Privacy and Data Protection |
IMAT3711 |
Module |
Product Design |
ENGD2106 |
Module |
Production |
INFP5401 |
Module |
Production |
COCO3004 |
Module |
Production and Manufacturing Engineering |
ENG505 |
Programme |
Production Level C++ |
GAMR2541 |
Module |
Professional Practice |
GRDN3020 |
Module |
Professional Practice |
JOUR2604 |
Module |
Professional Practice |
COCO3001 |
Module |
Professional Practice |
GRDN3030 |
Module |
Professional practice 2 |
GRDN3040 |
Module |
Professional Practice 2: Screen Archives |
FILM2103 |
Module |
Professional Practice Comics |
COCO2003 |
Module |
Professional Practice in Digital Forensics and Security |
F4G475 |
Programme |
Professional Studies (Forensic Road Collision Investigation) |
F41044 |
Programme |
Professionalism in Forensics and Security |
CTEC3429 |
Module |
Programming in Python |
IMAT1704 |
Module |
Programming in Python 2 |
IMAT1416 |
Module |
Programming with APIs and Frameworks |
IMAT2710 |
Module |
Progressive Game Engines |
GAMR2532 |
Module |
Project |
IMAT5314 |
Module |
Project |
INJP5501 |
Module |
Project |
CSIP5501 |
Module |
Project 1 |
ANIM1104 |
Module |
Project 2 |
ANIM2204 |
Module |
Project Development |
ANIM2203 |
Module |
Project Ideation, Concept, Script |
ANIM3301 |
Module |
Project Proposal, Planning & Proj Mangt |
CSIP5402 |
Module |
Public Relations |
P21071 |
Programme |
Public Relations and Strategic Comm |
MEDS2306 |
Module |
Radio & TV Studio Production |
PROD1002 |
Module |
Radio Location Production |
TECH3013 |
Module |
Radio Production & Technology |
H64041 |
Programme |
Rapid Product Development |
H13171 |
Programme |
Relational Databases and Big Data |
IMAP2019 |
Module |
Requirements Engineering |
IMAT1402 |
Module |
Research & Development in Digital Forensics |
DFOR5004 |
Module |
Research Methods |
ENGT5214 |
Module |
Research Methods |
IMAT5120 |
Module |
Research Methods and Applications |
CSIP5403 |
Module |
Research Methods for AI and Data Science |
CTAP5112 |
Module |
Research Project |
MATT3000 |
Module |
Researching Media and Communication |
MEDS2302 |
Module |
Resource Efficient Design & Manufacture |
ENGP5204 |
Module |
Resource Efficient Design and DM |
ENGP5406 |
Module |
Rigorous Systems |
CTEC3315 |
Module |
Robotics and Artificial Intelligence |
ENGD3030 |
Module |
Routing and Switching |
CTAP2306 |
Module |
Sandwich (Full) |
SAND5801 |
Module |
Sandwich (Full) |
SAND2802 |
Module |
Script, Storyboard, Animatic, Design, Layout |
ANIM3302 |
Module |
Secure Coding |
CSEC1003 |
Module |
Secure Scripting and Business Applicatio |
CSEC2001 |
Module |
Secure Web Application Development |
CTEC3110 |
Module |
Semiconductor Fundamentals & Power Elect |
ENGP5201 |
Module |
Service Oriented Computing |
IMAT3703 |
Module |
Set Design, Architecture and Environments |
TECH3007 |
Module |
Short Film Production |
PROD3005 |
Module |
Short Term Placement (ESD) |
SAND2804 |
Module |
Short Term Placement (LMS) |
SAND2803 |
Module |
Signal Processing and Embedded Systems |
ENGP5300 |
Module |
Skills and Theory |
INJP5201 |
Module |
Smart Grid Analysis & Operation |
ENGP5407 |
Module |
Social Computing and Data Analytics for Business |
IMAT2711 |
Module |
Software and Information Security Manage |
CTAP2302 |
Module |
Software Development: Methods and Standa |
CTEC3701 |
Module |
Software Engineering |
G60071 |
Programme |
Software Engineering |
G60041 |
Programme |
Software Engineering Team Project |
CTEC2714 |
Module |
Sound Analysis and Synthesis |
MTEC1003 |
Module |
Sound for Film, Games & Media |
MTEC2002 |
Module |
Spatial Audio Production |
MATT3017 |
Module |
Sport and Media |
MEDS3405 |
Module |
Sport and Media |
MEDS3304 |
Module |
Sports Journalism |
JOUR2508 |
Module |
Sports Journalism |
JOUR3605 |
Module |
Sports Journalism 2 |
JOUR3507 |
Module |
Statistical Modelling I |
IMAT3223 |
Module |
Statistical Modelling II |
IMAT3224 |
Module |
Statistics |
IMAT5169 |
Module |
Statistics and Mechanics I |
MATH1100 |
Module |
Statistics and Mechanics II |
MATH2100 |
Module |
Statistics and Operational Research |
COM501 |
Programme |
Structural Dynamics and Aeroelasticity |
ENGA3005 |
Module |
Studio Recording and Production |
MTEC2003 |
Module |
Studio Technologies and Practices |
MTEC3005 |
Module |
Study Abroad (Computing) |
Z90041 |
Programme |
Study Abroad (Engineering) |
Z90043 |
Programme |
Study Abroad (Leicester Media School) |
Z90042 |
Programme |
Sustainable Buildings |
ENGP5303 |
Module |
Sustainable Development in Practice |
ENGP5408 |
Module |
Sustainable Development in Practice |
ENGD5273 |
Module |
Sustainable Energy and Solutions |
ENGE2024 |
Module |
Sustainable Energy and Transport |
ENGP5305 |
Module |
Systems Building: Methods |
IMAT3423 |
Module |
Technology Project |
TECH3010 |
Module |
Television Production Technology |
P31114 |
Programme |
The Business of Film Studios |
FILM1103 |
Module |
The Film Industry 2: Filmmakers |
FILM2104 |
Module |
The Film Industry 4 - Fan and Material Cultures |
FILM2113 |
Module |
The Film Industry Now |
FILM3111 |
Module |
The IT Professional |
IMAT1403 |
Module |
Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer |
ENGD2101 |
Module |
Turbomachinery |
ENGD3119 |
Module |
TV and Film Production Technology |
P3W611 |
Programme |
TV and Radio Journalism |
JOUR2602 |
Module |
TV Scriptwriting |
W81071 |
Programme |
Understanding Journalism |
JOUR1603 |
Module |
Unmanned Aero Vehicle Design |
ENGT5104 |
Module |
UX and Interactive Media |
PROD3003 |
Module |
Video and Audio |
JOUR1602 |
Module |
Virtual Asset Development |
VIFX5103 |
Module |
Virtual Environment Design |
VIFX5101 |
Module |
Virtual Prod & Immersive Technology |
VIFX3005 |
Module |
Virtual Production Pipelines |
VIFX5102 |
Module |
Virtual Studio Production |
VIFX5104 |
Module |
Visiting Tech Researcher |
R19999 |
Programme |
Visual Communication |
GDIL1030 |
Module |
Visual Communication |
GRDN1030 |
Module |
Visual Effects (VFX) |
W61441 |
Programme |
Visual Narrative |
COCO2001 |
Module |
Visual Thinking and Communication |
ANIM1103 |
Module |
Visualisation |
COCO1001 |
Module |
Web Application Development |
CTEC2712 |
Module |
Web Application Penetration Testing |
CTEC3410 |
Module |
Work Based Learning 1 |
IMAT1417 |
Module |
Work Based learning I |
IMAT1405 |
Module |
World Building |
COCO2002 |
Module |
World Cinema |
FILM2101 |
Module |
Writing for the Screen |
MEDS3303 |
Module |
Writing for the Screen |
MEDS3111 |
Module |
Y2 Personal Practice for GD |
GRDN2040 |
Module |
Yr 2 Personal Practice for Graphic Des |
GDIL2040 |
Module |